attention please

It's time for me to write in english. You see, I have the national tests in English tomorrow and I really need to practice my writing because we're going to write an essay and I want to recieve a great result. I'm hoping on getting an MVG at the end of the term, and to accomplish that I need to pull myself together. 
I'm going to write down a few hard words that I feel like I need to know, and then I'm going to work in my workbook and go through the grammar. And then, last but not least, practice on writing some sentences!
Well, enough about the national test. I just have one freaking question; What kind of weather is this man?
I walked home together with Rania today, and it was snowy and windy as hell! And now, when I'm looking out from my kitchen window, it's all of sudden sunny? Please cloudy-ly clouds, decide if you're going to be cold or warm!

Anyway, some good news: My summer vacation has been settled, I'm going to Spain - Gran Canaria, 10/6 to 25/6. Haleluijaaaaaaah!



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